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My Mothers’ Day Message to All

Writer's picture: Susie HolamonSusie Holamon

Updated: Sep 19, 2019

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”. John 15:5

I draw strength from this verse. God is my vine and knowing this has enabled me to branch out in this chapter of my life. I did not always recognize this. A friend of mine said “God has been taking care of you for a long time”. She was right. I have been able to succeed in having a good life, but I took credit for it. As an independent, somewhat angry, teenager, all I recognized then was that he had taken away my mother, my father, a normal family and put me in the middle of chaos resulting in abuse, neglect, and foster care.

What I do know now is that God has been my “mother”, “my father”, “my friend” and my “strength”. He has been preparing me for the challenges that I have faced and the choices that I have made in my life. I have a thankful heart today; and yes, he has been taking care of me for a long time. I took all that anger, all that disappointment and let it motivate me towards success in a life that is full; a good marriage of 43 years, children, grandchildren, an education and a meaningful career as a teacher. But, not until the last few years however did I really get it. I now recognize that sometimes he’s been showing me signs, speaking to me thru people I encounter or connect to, thru messages he sends me; what I used to see as a random thing or a coincidence, I now know is God. He wants me to listen, look, pay attention and not only recognize him, but to act, letting him work thru me and in me. Sometimes, I feel like he’s “yelling” at me “Seriously, Susie”, surely you understand now.

I am now retired from teaching, absolutely, not retired from life! I am, however, trying to create more strong branches, those that might be a little damaged but keep hanging in there on that vine knowing they can still grow and thrive. I trust the Lord to be my strong vine. My branch is scarred, bent and may have large cracks that could cause me to break, but I continue to hang in there with what I believe he has called me to do. I am not worried because every day I continue to be strengthened in mind and spirit. Every time I wish I had a “Mom” to talk to, to advise me, to guide me, I look to the Lord, “my vine” and know that he is good to me today, has always been good to me and I now recognize that! Amen.

Happy Mothers’ Day!

P.S. – This is the verse that represents our Geary Girls Ranch message behind our “Signature GGR vine/branch jewelry” … the strength within us all.




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