The following is based on a true story of a 12- year-old boy in foster care, written as if he were telling his story. It is written by me, Susie Black Holamon, President and founder of Geary Foster Foundations, a foster home community in North Texas. I cannot give details or names, but I want to share the basic story of “A” because it is all too common in an overwhelmed Foster Care system.
I am 12 years- old, you can call me “A”. That’s what my counselors and friends called me at this place I was at. I had been there for about 4 months and I really liked it. It’s the best place I’d ever been and these ladies said they wished they could adopt me and take me home with them. They were so proud of me for doing all my schoolwork, my chores, and learning to control my temper. They tell me I am a great student. I was even in accelerated math classes! This place is where you come when you’ve been mad or bad because you come from a place where nobody cared what you did or where you were. It’s also a place where you come when nobody else wants you cause maybe you’re “stubborn” which I’ve been told I can be! I was mad because my Mom just hung out with her boyfriend who didn’t like me very much and they just got “stupid” together. I at least tried to take care of my brothers and sisters. I guess I was bad because I just did what I wanted and stayed at friends’ houses and didn’t go to school. Somebody must have told the police because they came and got me and took me to an office where I stayed until they decided what to do with me. They came and got my younger brothers and sisters too, but someone must have wanted them, because I think they found a family. I guess I was too old or that would be too many kids cause I never heard from them again. I wanted to stay in this place forever. They told me that this was not a permanent home, just a place to help me for now, but that they would do everything they could to find me a home in the area so they could come visit me. I felt safe and for the first time ever, maybe even loved cause I had people who listened to me, made sure I had food, and worried about me if I seemed sad. My mom never came to see me or anything so that’s why my friends here were trying to find me a home. The other people who said I couldn’t stay here never met me. They just kept telling my friends that if they didn’t find a home for me, then I would have to leave and go far away. They told them they would let me stay a while longer until maybe someone wanted me. Well, that didn’t happen and now I’m in a car with one of those strangers who’s being nice to me but won’t tell me what’s going on and can’t really explain why I couldn’t stay in that safe place forever. I don’t think I’ll ever see my brothers and sisters again.
I hope I get to see my friends at this place again……”A”
This is the end- result of this young boy whose counselors are friends of mine and together, we tried all avenues and reached out to all connections to find “A” a foster/foster to adopt home in the surrounding counties. I personally reached out to foster parents and foster parent groups with no success. The foster homes that exist are full as is ours at Geary Foster Foundations. We have one home and are doing everything we can to build homes as fast as we can. Our goal for 8 homes will enable us to help 48 children at any given time and with a neighborhood of homes, we will be able to help large sibling groups as well. I came from a sibling group of 5 placed in foster care and we were never able to be placed together.
Too many children, too many sad stories… heart breaks.
Susie Black Holamon